
Predictions For A Technological Future

Elevetor to space-how its will be build and construct, do you believe that, premised to be build in 2018-2025. That is one example, other examples like Jet airtaxi's, Anti-gravity discovered, quatum computing, etc. And a lot of other weird assumptions was quoted by Brian Yap, a well-known futurist.

Some look like funny, some we can't imagine, some we think impossible, and many more assumptions. That are what I felt after read all his predictions. But, I think, it's useful for scientists and researchers as a reference for what our world will would like in the next near future.These premiss maybe can be used in our research proposal. Here, I quote a few interesting predictions for a technological future stated by him.

1. Nextgen communication (1000Mbps-10000Mbps) 2013-2020
2. Quantum computing 100 qubits 2010-2014
3. Petaflop personal computers and wearable computing 2016-2018
4. Open Source wins - Microsoft declares bankruptcy 2015-2020
5. Jet airtaxi's (5000 existing regional airports in USA, 450-550mph, park and fly) 2006-2008
6. Scramjets delivery cargo at 10-20 times speed of sound, skips outside of atmosphere (very efficient) 2015-2020
7. Protein engineering creates artificial ribosome 2014-2022
8. Billion CPU personal nanocomputers 2018-2025
9. Singularity AI : 1 billion times human intelligence accelerates technology development
10. Nanofactories create space vehicles with ion drives with 750 kWe/kg specific power, speed 0.5 AU per day and 9.8 m/s2 acceleration. Earth to Mars in 1 to 3 days, Earth to Saturn in 20 days 2020-2025
11.10,000 people living on lunar bases 2020-2025
12. Offworld economy larger than Japan's economy 2040-2050
13. High resolution direct visual feeds made in realtime and fed to retina, able to fool viewer for indefinite periods 2016-2025
14. Human cells interfaced with nanotech 2020-2030
15. Space elevator 2018-2025
16. Orbital space tourism 2012-2020
17. Antimatter storage for gram quantities or greater 2015-2020
18. Anti-gravity discovered 2010+
19. Nanotechnology weapons used in war, over 500 million dead 2025-2035

There are a lot of other predictions quoted by Brian Yap, and you can find out more here.

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